Customer Testimonials

Below you can read a few email referrals from recent customers. If you would like to join the list visit our home page and fill in your details. We would love to hear from you.


We recently moved into an old bungalow built in the 1970s and roofed with the quintessential roofing material of the time, asbestos. As a new mom, I am increasingly aware of environmental hazards that may harm my new family and have long been looking for a reputable company to help me get rid of the asbestos in my house. I am glad to say that I found the right one. After several months spent worrying about exposing our new baby to asbestos fibers, I cannot say how relieved I was when your wonderful team showed up and stripped away all the dangerous roofing. They even sucked out all the asbestos dust infused air before our house was declared safe to move back into. Thank you again for the thorough job your team did and rest assured that I will be recommending your services to all my friends.

Olivia S – Melbourne North


As a site manager in charge of refurbishing a local primary school, I was given the task of finding a reputable company to remove asbestos roofing that was in an old assembly hall. I spoke with several companies without much success before settling on Pro Asbestos. A friend of mine had also used your services in her house and she was very impressed with the work you. I am more than happy to refer you to anyone looking for a friendly team of professionals.

Samuel M – Melbourne Inner City


I just wanted to say thanks to Pro Asbestos and in particular to the two contractors you sent to remove the asbestos material that was in our floor lining. The guys were friendly and handled this job extremely well. I am very grateful for the effort.

Zoe C – Melbourne South East


You sent a great team over to deal with the asbestos in our house. Not only were the guys pleasant and courteous, but they also did their work in extreme summer temperatures without a word of complaint. I could not let them go without treating them to my special cold lemonade. Thanks again!

Emily M – Melbourne East


We needed extensive testing and removal of the roofing in our commercial warehouse due to workplace health and safety. Though the job took quite a while (understandably due to the size of the project) we are happy with the results. Professional team. Thank you

Paul T- Melbourne West


Thanks again for the inspection you did on our home. Though the tests revealed that asbestos levels were quite low and therefore we did not need any removals, we are still grateful for the peace of mind. Very friendly and affordable!

Linda G – Geelong